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Site Wide Offer - Buy 1 Putter Grip, Get 1 Putter Grip with 25% off

Putting Advice

There are a few simple pieces of putting advice we can give you: - Invest in the correct equipment, including a 2thumb grip to suit your needs - Take putting lessons - Practise your putting as much as you do your driving! For expert putting advice we recommend Philip H Gazeley. Philip is a British professional putting coach who has worked throughout the world with more than 100 members of the European Tour. Initially looking at the full golf swing, he gradually focussed specifically on putting lessons and has developed several simple, innovative putting aids. As all golfers know, putting correctly can make all the difference to your overall golf score. Ignore putting lessons, practice and the correct putting equipment at your peril; once you have hit the green you are looking for a one stroke putt to complete your hole successfully. Use our 'find a golf pro' search engine to find a PGA coach who can give a golf putting lesson near you or contact us at TwoThumb grip and we will organise a golf putting lesson for you with Phil at his home course near Aspley Guise.