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Site Wide Offer - Buy 1 Putter Grip, Get 1 Putter Grip with 25% off

Grip Fitting

Ensuring your putter grip is fitted correctly is incredibly important for all grips in the TwoThumb range. 


Our Classic Original or Big Daddy Light putter grips perform to there optimum level when fitted perfectly straight due to their unique 'paddle shape' designed to keep your shoulders level whilst our Snug Daddy range featuring a 'flat front' are designed to help you achieve consistent alignment which is easily repeatable.


Whilst we would always advise that you seek a professional grip fitter to install your new putter grip we know that isn't always possible and have provided the instructional video below to help should you require it.


Installing our Snug Daddy range of putter grip


Installing our Classic Light or Classic Original range of putter grips